…Why Ronald Reagan fascinates me [A Filipino’s Fascination to a President]

*People ask me what my views on politics are. Actually, I don’t answer this question. It’s useless, really, to say things about something I’m not really sure I’d enjoy talking about. And anyway, it’s a waste of my time. Well, back then I had no idea what my views are, politically. But yeah, I suppose I should be thinking about it. It’s less than three or four months until the 2010 Elections in the Philippines. And I’m having a hard time choosing the best, actually, because to be frank, I see no good candidate worthy to be voted.

*But anyway, going back to the title of this entry, I was, a few months back, able to buy a book about a certain man to whom I became slowly fascinated by as time progresses. I learned a lot of things already, after reading only two chapters of it. And although it hasn’t really raised my ideals on Politics, his actions were all that I need to simply be captivated by him, personally. And really, I don’t know why, but Ronald Reagan, the man I was referring to, is the most idealistic person I’ve ever read or heard or listened about. It’s amazing how much people are saying about him. But yeah, one cannot always get away from the negativity of life. So what people say about him is a variety of good and of bad.

*Nonetheless, I find his ideals fascinating. And what’s good about him, really, is his total devotion to God. He never forgets to mention His Almighty in every speech or interview he has conducted. I admire him so much in his acting as well! If you’ve seen films such as “King’s Row” or “Knute Rockny: All American” then you’ll know what I mean.

*I cannot really say anything much. So I’ll end it here. After reading the book, maybe, then I’ll go back!

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