On thoughts about you…

If thinking about you was a job
I’d be the richest person on earth
For whenever I think about how lovely you are
I become the person I am not

Someone who is hopelessly romantic
But sentimental and hopeful, still
And when she thinks about how wonderful you are
She becomes the person she wants to be

To be near you, holding your hand
Seeing your smile day by day
Laughing at your jokes and filling your eyes with tears
Not because of sadness but because of bliss

So, as I was saying
If this was a job I could take
I wish I can become tenured
So I can be with you forever…

He hasn’t gone away yet…

I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. I am fond of watching romcoms and chic flicks that turns my stomach upside down especially when Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan finally met on top of the Empire State Building or when Julia Roberts finally got married to Richard Gere in Runaway Bride. I also listen to countless love songs that I know I cannot relate to at the moment, but somehow I can feel how much emotion was put into the song that it takes my heart away right there. Right now, I don’t exactly know what I am feeling. I will not deny anything, though. I am definitely feeling something, no matter how shallow it is. The thing is, I am currently constantly thinking about this certain someone and all the nice and funny and cute things he has said and done. And whenever I remember the little actions he makes that he never does to anybody else, and the way he smiles when you get irritated by his jokes, I can’t help but feel the exact same way I did with Meg or Tom or Julia or Richard. What is this? I can’t really tell. I do know that one thing is for sure: I guess it’s those amazing moments in one’s life that I’d rather like to not get away… anyway, he hasn’t gone away, so I’d be very much happy if I can just hold on to him much longer ^_^

Wearing every color ^_^


Be proud. Say it out loud. PAINT WITH ALL THE COLORS OF THE WIND! ^_^

Re: Waking Up and Realizing

I don’t really like talking about that exact moment when I wake up in the morning and that inevitable realization one gets a few minutes after. Today, though, is different. I woke up… and realized… that I had a great time yesterday because I was alone. I know I would have enjoyed it even more if I would have gone with someone, but the thing is… I enjoy malling when I am alone. It’s much more exciting and thrilling, and when I want to buy things, I can with ease! I guess people just have different styles in enjoying some alone-time

#Wanderlust-ing in Rainbow Colors

Once upon a time, there was a tray of infinite colors before my eyes…


And a store called #Royandbiv

With such wonderful items to smother one’s self…
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An OCD will truly love this place as I love it! ^_&
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#Wanderlust-ing in Papemelroti

I’ve always loved visiting stores that sell paper. As much as I’d love to be a conservationist and devote my time and effort in preserving trees that actually becomes paper, I simply would just want to appreciate in my own way how crafty paper is.

One best store in the Philippines that shows how useful trees and paper are is #Papemelroti


I love their wood works so much!!!

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These are just lovely! I’ve always dreamed of buying the Holy Family glass vial there in the middle!


Once an Archer, always an archer! 😛

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People are so fond of QUOTES nowadays because of the birth of Instagram or Tumblr. You can now purchase your own Quotation poster at Papemelroti!!! 😀 This one, I loved so much too 😛

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There are just so many things one can buy here that would tickle your fancy and make you want to love paper and wood so much more than before! 😛 Visit Papemelroti at stores nearest your location! ^_^

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On Heavy-Heartedness…

His picture bore such a lighthearted, easy-going face that immediately gave me the idea that he’s very happy. Below that smile that showed his teeth, though, is the caption that revealed to me his sadness, his nonacceptance to the reality that life is a changing entity and that no matter how hard he tries to stay happy, there will come a time that he won’t be…

It’s brutally inconceivable for me to write something related to, or about sadness. I say this because I have never in my life written something that would encompass the very meaning of the word. Why am I writing about sadness right now? The answer is very simple: because I feel sad. I know I shouldn’t feel this way because, to be honest, I don’t feel sad because of myself. I feel sad because of my friend! And he doesn’t even know he made me sad. He didn’t do it intentionally. I wish he did it intentionally instead so that I can easily forgive and forget about it. But it’s not intentional, and I would have lived my life as normally as before had it not been for our common friends who showed me some of the happiest photos he took, but with sad captions attached to it. At first, I find looking at his photos a bit awkward, and funny, and while the kids and I laughed, I scanned through the captions and realized just how much pain he was going through. I can’t even see how he was able to endure that sort of pain; ones that even the strongest of people cannot fathom. I guess he’s beyond strong and that he has already learned a lot.

If that’s the case, why does it still feel so sad to even just remember what the caption of his so happy photograph was about?

I’m 25; The Sound of Music is 50… But still, ‘The Hills’ are so much alive!

The-Sound-Of-Music-256029If I would show my students this picture and ask them if they are familiar with this scene, I have a feeling only 10% of them would know where exactly it came from. It’s the sad reality that I have to face. I would even think that you, one who is reading this entry, have absolutely no idea what that picture is all about. Well, If you know who that woman on the left is, and say that it’s Julie Andrews, then you’re absolutely right! And those children with her are NOT her real children, but her children in one of Hollywood’s most iconic films of all time, one who is celebrating it’s 50th birthday-slash-anniversary this year–The Sound of Music.

I fell in love with The Sound of Music when I was in High School. When I first heard the enigmatic tune of ‘The Hills Are Alive,’ with Julie stepping on stones while throwing rocks at the pond, I completely got lost into its wonderful world. And to this day, I am still so much engrossed to it like a dog following its master wherever it went. Who wouldn’t fall in love with it? I have seen so many musicals (the likes of Singin’ in the Rain, The Wizard of Oz, An American in Paris and so much more) in my 25 years of existence and, to be really honest, this film tops all of them ten times over. I cannot even fathom my life now if I have never seen it at all.


And now, look at these children. They’re completely different from the first photo I’ve shown.


And Julie and Christopher here are just adorable, I could cry right now just by looking at them with such an ecstatic feeling!

Last month, I was able to see Lady Gaga’s take on the 50th Anniversary of The Sound of Music, singing her heart out to all the Oscar goers. Julie was there, too, congratulating Gaga’s performance, which, to me, was fantastic! I never even knew Lady Gaga could sing like that. And what actually caught my attention was the musical’s songs.


The Sound of Music is, and forever will be, the icing to my cake, or the cherry on top of my ice cream. I will forever cherish it, and treat is as my absolute favorite movie of all time. True, it is 50 years old, but I’ll be very much happy if I live to see its 100th anniversary (if there will be one, that is, I have no idea!) even if I will be 75 by that time. SEE IT! I know you’ll love it 😀

“I’m very sure. This never happened to me before. I met you…”

I remember a scene from The Lake House, when Sandra Bullock’s character, Kate, tells Keanu Reeve’s character, Alex, that she misses the lake house and its trees. When Alex knew about it, he brought a tree from the lake house to Kate’s apartment, which was two years ago from Kate’s time, and planted the tree there so that in Kate’s time, the tree would have grown big enough to shelter Kate from the downpour of the rain as she came running home. I remembered this scene because not only was it extremely cheesy for the most part, it was also a reminder that people, even when divided by time or space, would go to greater heights just to keep those who they hold dear happy. It’s not very easy to exert this much effort towards someone. You could ask so many questions like who this person is or what has he or she done to deserve this effort we are making for them. Something similar happened to me one time, and until now, it still feels gratifying. I asked this friend of mine to sing me a song before I go to sleep. He started with a tune from the theme song of Voltes V, and I thought it ended there, but all of a sudden, he set his videoke up and sang maybe five or six or even seven or eight songs, I think I lost count of how many songs there were. I even forgot I was going to sleep and instead I got lost listening to his voice singing the songs he loved. He kept asking if I was asleep. As sleepy as I actually was, I forced myself not to fall asleep, so I could listen to him sing his songs. So who made the effort here? The truth is, we both did 😀

Let me not be deafened by unusual silence…


A friend of mine once told me that being silent doesn’t always mean that one is going through something worrisome or sad or even bad… it could also mean that you just want to be silent and be surrounded by that silence for a while, which is enough of a reason for you to visualize in your own creative way the things going on around you. It could also mean that you are in that mood of self-reflection, where in you would like to enter a completely different dimension within yourself, without so much of the out of this world feeling. Knowing the depths of yourself is the best way for you to completely understand what you really desire in life. And the only way for you to really reach that is through silence…

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