I am the happiest young lady in the world! Sound of Music made my day…

"Edelweiss, edelweiss, bless my homeland forever..."

"Edelweiss, edelweiss, bless my homeland forever...

This would definitely be an out-of-the-ordinary entry, for it will discuss one of my childhood all time favorites! (If you consider being 13 and watching this twice a week a childlike act, then well, it is childhood!) I have seen this film for over a hundred or so times, and like any other fans of the movie, I know all the lines to the songs, and some parts of the film, too. If I was given a chance to be interviewed regarding this film, well, I’d definitely be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious about it! How many times have I used definitely for this introduction? This is just so exciting for me.

And yes, well, The Sound of Music was introduced to me (And some of my classmates) some 7 years ago. I was in High School, then, so it wouldn’t be really that cool if I adored it immensely. A friend of mine lent me her copy and my sister and I watched it together. My sister already saw it long before I did, so she was familiar with it a little. And my mom and my aunts said they saw it in the theater during its popularity. And so when I was watching it, even if there were like Mandarin Subs on it, somehow, I fell in love with it! So I can’t blame myself if I’ve seen it so many times.

Just a trivia, the Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella that I’ve seen on CCP starring LEA SALONGA, one of the greatest singers ever, was actually first done by DAME JULIE ANDREWS!!! It’s so magical to hear her singing “In my own little corner”

Anyway, I am so happy, THRILLED even, to have seen it again after a year has passed since I last saw it. I’ve seen it twice today 🙂 and I am so happy. I was inspired to do all my homework, too! It’s just wonderful…

The Sweetest Surprise

Damn, I just love this song. Yes, it’s a song title. A song sang by Michael Learns to Rock. I’ve been hearing it for quite some time now. I don’t know why, though. I think it’s the tune and not the actual message of the song.

I never knew life could be like this. Never thought that I would be the one that you would kiss.

So you see, in the first line, it kinda indicates that this is for those who are lovers and beloveds. So it doesn’t really add up to ME!

But anyway, I’ve been having this… weird thoughts. I can’t seem to control them. I guess I have to thank a certain friend of mine for all the trouble it is causing me. Nah, I’m just kidding! It’s nothing, really. It’s just that… it’s making my life a little slower than usual. Because usually, I’m in a hurry all the time. I never stop doing anything. Yes, I do cram, but I do it so fast that I finish early. But now… I’ve been slow. I wonder why.

Is it because of the person I’m talking about in my last entry?

Gosh, I sure wish he won’t ever know. I’d be caught dead before he even find out, that’s for sure. I don’t want him to know that I am his admirer!

What the hell is happening to me???

This shouldn’t be so.

I shouldn’t be like this.

I should feel relaxed and calm and patient and happy.

Yes, I am happy. I’ve been very happy lately. But there’s something missing perhaps.

Oh yeah, I’m conceptualizing about this story I have in mind. It’s about my two favorite actors in the classic era. But I’m afraid nobody would like it. So I’m thinking of just writing it on a notebook or somewhere, so I’d be the only one to read it, and everybody won’t call me weird, using dead people as my main characters. But honestly, they all feel so alive to me even if Keanu or Sandra or Meg Ryan or Tom Hanks or Julia Roberts are all still alive. There’s nobody else like Bette Davis or Joan Crawford, or even Judy Garland. I guess I really did live during their time, but then again that would be so impossible.

Anyway, I’ll tell you how it goes. There’s this man who works for a printing press who wrote something that wasn’t supposed to be written. So, in order to avoid suing and all that, his boss sent him on probation. That’s where the girl comes in. She’s the probation officer, sent there in his office to guard him. So of course he’s irritated with the whole idea, but he can’t do anything about it. Anything he says that he knew he’d regret would be written in the girl’s notepad. Eventually, after office hours, the girl still looks out on him, and even takes him home. One day, though, while still on probation, the man suddenly feels different around the girl. He feels funny, he always say. And when he decided to take her home, he realizes something. He sees a bush with a white carnation planted by it and took one flower. He then throws the flower to the girl and the girl catches it. And then, she goes inside waving goodbye as the man walks farther and farther. They were both smiling.

That’s most of it, but I’m planning on adding more. There’s a catch, I think. But I can’t tell!

Deck the Andrew Building halls…

Wow! How long has it been since I have last written here? Is that… well, unusual or have I silenced myself recently? Honestly, this is not the only medium I write things about. I have a diary named Duchess Greer, and most of the time I talk to her. Yes, she’s a woman. I have had a total of 3 serious diaries. Unlike Betty Cooper, I am such a useless writer. I haven’t finished any of those three and I guess in Greer’s case, I wouldn’t finish it, too! I just saw a very interesting diary in National Bookstore and I am actually planning on buying one. I don’t get to see new hardbound pretty little things every day, so I just have to have one! And one other thing, I remember Deborah a.k.a “Debbie”, my second diary, she’s actually sort of like a scrappy bookish type of journal. And I think she’s rather pretty (The diary, I mean!) and colorful. That’s how I want my diaries. . . full of life like me!

Anyhoo, see the title? Well, deck the Andrew Building Halls! We would be returning to LaSalle in a couple of days, 2 days actually, to get our course cards. I would be the happiest girl on earth if I pass all of my classes. At least a 3.0 or a 2.5! I would so want to be DL again. Even the slightest hinch would most certainly do! Gee, I wish I would have a GPA of 3.00000001! That would so complete this wonderful Christmas. Have I mentioned I am feeling so lucky this week? I entered two contests on AXN and I have the strongest feeling I’ll win a Keanu TSHIRT! I would really love that. And then there’s this Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman movie that I entered as well. I think there’s a journal there that can be won, but I’m not really that sure! Here I go again with the journal thing! I get too talkative at times that I get carried away. And that’s a bad idea, I am telling you! It’s not good! I would love to have a 5000 pieces puzzle that I would finish with my dad. Sort of like a father-daughter bonding experience. Ha! I beat him in Sudoku all the time, and he don’t mind at all! I would really love to buy any adult jigsaw puzzle, since Judith a friend of mine brought it all up. It’s such prettiness what with all those disney characters!

This entry is kinda taking long and I am having a headache right now so I guess I’ll be seeing you!

What I learned from Morrie Schwartz

It’s not so common for me to cry over a sad movie. I knew that within me, I have this self control over crying. So by and by, when I watch sad and tear jerker movies, I don’t cry! But I find it different for Morrie Schwartz and his wonderful lessons from Tuesdays with Morrie. It’s a wonderful book. But reading it requires a vivid imagination of how the characters look like, or how the story took its place… Luckily, I didn’t have a hard time when I saw the movie adaptation of it. For the first time in my life, I just couldn’t stop crying when I saw it!

Here are some of the lessons Morrie taught not only Mitch, but me as well… I will add my own experiences to further explain them!

1. Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live

~Okay, let’s be metaphorical. Let’s make believe that the dying part applies on a relationship that ended. I’ve been hurt once, and yes, it feels like the end of the world. But that doesn’t mean that that’s the end! It’s not! It’s only the beginning. Why? Because with that ending, we learn to move on! We learn to live once more. We learn that the end doesn’t always mean THE END! It’s the beginning of a new and fresher life!

2. Learn to forgive yourself, and forgive others

~This may be hard. We tend to blame ourselves for the things we didn’t even do. But we regret not blaming ourselves in some cases. Guilt is one futile enemy, if I were to be asked. But as long as we forgive others and ourselves, life goes on as smooth as silk!

I’ve never had a fight that didn’t push me to say sorry. I’ve always had the initiative. And now, we’re friendlier than ever!

3. What’s wrong with being number 2?

~Bottom line is if we’re number 2, we’re sitting right beside number 1. How near could we get??? I’d rather be number 2 than number 10!

4. Death ends a life, not a relationship

~I don’t really have anything to say here. I’m not sure what I’ll have to say!

5. There is no such thing as ‘too late’ in life!

~Yes! If first you don’t succeed, try and try again. And if you try harder, it’s never too late!

So you see, if you’re living, you live your life to its fullest. You borrowed it, and the Lord has lent in to you wholeheartedly!

A list of ‘ifs’

If I were able to graduate in Oman, I would probably be in UST or PNU instead of LaSalle. I’d still choose teaching, maybe, or Fine Arts. But I would definitely not be in DLSU and miss out all the fun of Ateneo-Lasalle feuds over basketball games. It’s silly and stupid in my opinion, but that’s just what makes the college life I have right now go round and round and round, like a basketball waiting to be shot in the basket!

If I was a man, I’d never love classic movies. Well, I guess I’d watch them eventually, but if I did I would either be accused of being a gay or it would just be plain silly. I’m happy being a girl/woman, something in between, and I won’t change anything for it!

If I never met ‘him’, I’d be regretting it for the rest of my life. It’s true that somehow I was stuck in that infatuation for quite some time in the past, but let’s just say he did say things to me that made me open my eyes to the reality of being matured.

If I was a dog, I’d be a shitzu! It’s a cute breed. Enough said!

If I never loved drawing, I’d be a dope! Come on, this is my life! I’d so never live without it!

If I took Nursing, I’d die right now! I hate blood, I hate syringes, I hate medical things, I hate it period!

If I took Fine Arts, I’d waste money on art supplies (which I think is my ultimate dream!) I’d love this for sure!

If I have enough money to give to the poor, I’d be the happiest girl in the world! Yay, me!

If I were to choose where I would want to win something, it would be in a Lottery!

If I were to sing in a concert, I’d sing country music. “I was dancin’ with my darlin’ to the Tennessee Waltz…”

If I were to dance with somebody, I’d want Keanue Reeves for a partner (even though he’s bi!) HE’s HANDSOME!!!

If I were to go back in time, I’d go back to 1939 and watch the Academy Awards as an invisible person! I LOVE CLASSIC MOVIES!!!!

Or maybe in the 1940’s and chase Greer or Walter or Debbie or Bette or any star!

If I was a teacher right after graduation, I’d surely love it!

If I were to teach somewhere, I’d teach in CSA or Philippine School!

If I were to have an M.A., I’d love to have Creative Writing.

If I were to choose between Shawarma in Oman or in the Philippines, I’d choose Oman.

If I were to choose among the many places I could go, I’d choose Vancouver!

Well, I can’t think of anything more! So that’s just it!

When I came back to 1706…

So, here I am right now, writing an entry of what may be the most unusual thing I have ever done this term. This would mark my first return to the Computer Lab in 1706 since I finished Edutec2 last term. If you may know, yes, I’m stressful right now. In fact, this week is ‘stress-is-a-bad-idea-week’ which may make me really crazy and sick and tired and sleepy and exhausted and all those nasty things that could happen. I mean really!

I don’t feel any pain though, as long as my classic movies are there and that they’d be present when I need support. And of course, as long as I look at Greer and Walter’s faces, I know I’ll be all right!

We have to do a Kilgore something something, too! It’s hell week, I tell you! It’s the hardest thing I’ll ever face! And then there’s an impromptu which I still have to focus on. It’s kinda weird and so much hectic. I don’t know if I could run past it without getting hurt. I haven’t a dress for the speech yet. It’s so bummer!

I’m 18 years old, so young and gone free, but why do I have to face this? Why??? I suppose most teenagers going through college face unexplained theoretical actions, too. (If a word such as this exist!) I’m just glad I’m not alone.

I just read several clippings about Greer Garson. The more I read of her, the more I so want the book! The biography which will be arriving in two months. I sure wish my sister would buy it as soon as possible. I wanna read about her as soon as I can! This would be the greatest thing ever!!!

You know you had too much Greer Garson if… (Edited)

All right. This would be, I have to admit, the weirdest post I’ll ever make in my life. I have never ever in my life done something like this. A website about Nuriko inspired me to do so. Well, here goes nothing!

You know you had too much Greer Garson if…

1.) You’ve seen her in her most famous roles: Mrs. Miniver, Blossoms in the Dust, Goodbye, Mr. Chips!, Madame Curie, Pride and Prejudice, Random Harvest, Valley of Decision etc.

2.) You’ve read her biography by Troyan. (And loved it!)

3.) You’ve had orange juice with a raw egg in it for breakfast

4.) You’ve bidded (And maybe lost) on some rarities of Greer on Ebay, and websites alike.

5.) You’ve collected pictures of her online

6.) You’ve made fan videos of her (Including her leading men and co-stars)

7.) You’d know her real name is Eileen Evelyn Greer Garson

8.) You’d pray for her soul on her birthday

9.) You’ve owned a journal/diary and named it Greer or Duchess

10.) You’ve used a username on any website that has the name Greer or Duchess or anything related to her in it

11.) You’ve tried dressing like her (In terms of hair, eyes, make-up, lipstick, dress, clothes, everything to look like her!)

12.) You’d think she and Walter Pidgeon were a perfect couple

13.) You’d wish you were Walter Pidgeon if you had the chance!

14.) You’d dye your hair red (Even if you’re a man)

15.) You bought a barbie doll, dyed it red, trimmed it and curled it and dressed it in classy fashion. After then, you’d name her Greer Garson instead!

16.) You’d also buy a Ken doll, and name it Walter Pidgeon or any other famous co-stars, just so it would go well with your Greer doll

17.) You’ve asked other fans so desperately to upload her famous movies online (fan vids included)

18.) You’ve spent more than a hundred dollars for her merchandise

19.) You’ve written fan fictions about her

20.) You’ve visited her grave, and said hello to her!

21.) You always imitate the way she deliver a line on any of her movie or TV appearances

22.) You’ve visited her house, and took pictures

23.) You’ve taken a picture of her Hollywood Walk of Fame Star as well as her hand and foot print on Grauman’s

24.) You’ve added her as a friend on myspace and Facebook

25.) You’ve befriended a fellow fan and would have talked about her for a whole day

26.) If possible, You’ve joined her fan club during the height of her career

27.) You’ve also bought yourself a large red pencil to imitate her autograph pencil

28.) You’ve worn high heels and thought it suited you perfectly just as Greer would have

29.) You’ve worn several perfumes for different occasions

30.) You’ve bought two poodles and named it ‘Gogo’ and ‘Cliquot’

31.) You’d bite your lower lip just to look good

32.) You’ve tasted sauerkraut juice and loved it

33.) You’ve drawn her and maybe posted the drawing somewhere on your room’s wall

34.) You’ve made a mosaic of all your pictures to make a red rose like Mrs. Miniver

35.) You’d consider Random Harvest as your favorite movie like Greer

36.) You’ve noticed all her funny moments in movies as well as on TV

37.) You’d write a poem for her or a song!

38.) You’d save her movies from TCM. Record it on video!

39.) You’d defend her from unadmiring fans

and the last thing that you’ll know you had to much Greer Garson?

40.) You’d say you’ve done ALL of these things!

It’s all right to admire a person, or a star, or anybody. It’s normal! Nothing’s wrong with it. But if you think you’ve done too much, and I mean WAY to much, there’s a time to stop. Calm yourself, relax! And rest if you have to… They’ll never go away!

Some additions!

41.) Your favorite colour, after seeing Greer’s eyes and hair, are red and green and PINK

42.) You’d prefer tea over coffee…

Mrs. Miniver: The Review

"One of the BEST movies EVER"

Apart from all the action packed scenes, when gun fires and bombs exploding covered most of the movie’s essentials, Mrs. Miniver featured not the ill fatedness of wartime, but the beauty that is almost lost forever.

Greer Garson plays the lovely, cheerful and very sentimental Mrs. Kay Miniver, who with her husband Mr. Clement Miniver (Played by the dashing Walter Pidgeon) greets even the simplest problems in the world with a fair hello and a smile. Remember when the two of them tries their very best to say something about the expensive car and the expensive hat? Viewers couldn’t help but feel happy about it! It would seem that theirs is a family of no problems, no worries. They’re very intimate and loving.

Until one day, the country declares war. Viewers would always think that it is a wartime movie. It is, in all honesty. But the center isn’t the war. It’s Mrs. Miniver, how she bravely showed a German soldier what she’s made of, and how she called the police and the doctor to take care of him. Another significant scene in the picture is Henry Traver’s complement to name his rose ‘Mrs. Miniver’ which made the lovely woman so flattered. If I am allowed to say it so, Mrs. Miniver is one of those women who any person would want to befriend, to love, to admire, to cherish and to defend for the rest of their lives. I think Ms. Garson’s performance may (in some cases) reflect her own personality. She’s as charming and lovable as Mrs. Miniver, and I think she would be as loved as the great Mrs. Miniver.

A Rose For Mrs. Miniver: The Life of Greer Garson

Greer Garson as Mrs. Miniver

Greer Garson as Mrs. Miniver

Modern actors and actresses don’t seem to have the charisma, style and elegance of yesteryear’s stars. Maybe that’s because most of today’s actors are really nothing but pitiful celebrities striving to be what once was, when Hollywood was golden.

Many people long for yesterday when it comes to film stars: Betty Davis, Myrna Loy, Katherine Hepburn Ginger Rogers, and so many more. But nobody, it would seem, is to be as far more elegant, charming and very beautiful as Greer Garson. The graduate of many honors turn star of MGM who we all thought was born in 1908, but was really born in 1904!

Author Michael Troyan delves into Greer Garson’s life, as much as anyone could, given that she was an extremely private woman. He carries you through her intense desire to succeed as an actress, her `discovery’ and career struggles to resist being typecast, all the way through her marriages, and to her death on April 5, 1996 at Dallas Presbyterian Hospital with Van Cliburn at her bedside.

IWe’d always thought of Ms. Garson as a brilliant actress who could get any part she wanted. Little did we know of her struggles with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. One of her best films is the record-breaking “Mrs. Miniver.”  It hasn’t stopped anybody from watching it!

And while it felt a bit like voyeurism looking in on her life, I’m glad I visited it through Troyan’s eyes. It was a satisfying trip. And the author did a marvelous job showing us a small but very important and intimate part of the woman who was Greer Garson.

For a compelling look at one of the best actresses to ever grace the stage, big or small screen, read A Rose for Mrs. Miniver: The Life of Greer Garson.

I just have to read this!!! I asked my sister to buy it for me, because it isn’t available here! I hate bookstores that doesn’t sell American Related Biographies of Stars. I should sue, if I have to! But I don’t have money. To all of you who loves Greer, read this!

Rosemary Clooney and her songs…

I am currently listening to so many Rosie Clooney songs. I love the songs! I know it’s kind of old school and very ancient to some but I enjoy it! It’s the best music I’ve ever heard! Half as Much, Hey There, Blues in the Night, Mangoes, and the most famous MAMBO ITALIANO!!! Oh I just love them all!

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