The Aftermath

Okay, so it has been a while since the Philippines experienced such a tragic state of calamity. I’ve never been so frightened all my life. I hate the rain, let alone the strength of it!

A lot of people are in misery right now. I am just so glad that me and my family is safe and sound, and the drippings from the ceiling are a blessing in disguise.

I hate strong winds and rains… I don’t know why. It sort of traumatized me.

When I was still in High School, I had experienced all of our kitchen and dining room’s ceiling dripping with a lot of holes! And that was like SO TRAUMATIC because a) I hurt my hands from too much mopping, b) my mom and my brother had the most terrifying fight they had in ages, blaming each other and shouting (I’m glad they all got over it sooner rather than later) c) the holes are still dripping, and it kind of made me paranoid or something!

I just hate it. It’s freakingly freaky!!!

In the wee small hours of the morning…

At this late hour of the night, one who is weary and tired and is up to his feet, still, could not possibly write a seriously done entry. But, as surprising as it may sound, I am here, writing away all the things I wanted to say. I have seen “Relative Values,” probably the 12th film I have seen starring Julie Andrews, the DAME! I seem to have a sort of attachment to guys and gals whose nicknames start with “D”. Greer Garson, being the Duchess; Cary Grant, being the Debonair; and Deborah Kerr, being Debbie! I know Dame isn’t much of a nickname, as far as the description of nicknames is concerned. Funny as it may sound, I much rather enjoy seeing these films. It’s like having a ball whenever I see them. Of course, I need not mention that some films of today are not in my class anymore. Except of course, if it was made by Disney, then we’d be on the same level! And also, if it’s on 3D or something like that.

I am reading now, what appears to be a lovely fan made story about Captain Von Trapp and Maria. It’s lovely. I could almost feel, well, I see Julie and Chris doing the exact same thing they did on the movie, which is provide an exuberant amount of chemistry! Sodium Chloride has never been compounded like this before, let me tell you! And there’s a lot of joy when I hear people admiring this film. It’s my first classic movie, ever! I am forever in debt in its class!

JULIE ANDREWS – “Funny Valentine” Hollywood Bowl 7/18/08

All rightey! I have to admit that her singing voice in My Fair Lady is different from this one, but this song moved me to tears. Knowing that she has mentioned several times she cannot sing anymore, I did not want to believe it. And this proved that her voice is still as lovely as ever!

Yesterday Once More

“When I was young, I listened to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs…”

I am currently listening to love songs of the olden days, and as I listen, I become inspired in thinking of writing a simple story of how great a love can be! And so I begin this story with a smile on my face:

CONFESSIONS of a not so Teen-aged Little girl:

He sat behind me in our fifth grade class, and although it may seem childish, I fell in love for the first time. He smiled at me whenever I sat in front of him, and I return a hi or a hello, and even a how are you? I don’t know why, but I could almost see the two of us walking down the aisle. He would look at me, and I will look at him, and from then on I knew– he’s one I will never forget, or rather, one I will always remember.

Karl, as I would call him, is one who does not talk that much, who does not tell stories that much, and who does not even care for others that much. Maybe that’s the reason why there’s not much I could say about him. Behind his timidity lies a wonderful world, filled with happiness and contentment. I guess being 11, I didn’t care much what he thinks. All I knew is that I tell him stories about goings on in my life, during that time, and then he’d laugh at my jokes. I did not know it was mutual, and I won’t know in a while. It depressed me one time, when we were doing an activity, and all of a sudden, he fell on the floor, or rather his chair was knocked over and he was in it! It almost made me cry, reminiscing that day. If you saw him lying on the floor, being helped by me and our teacher, you would remember that he had a smile on his face. I thought, “What is wrong with this person? Is he mad? Why would he smile at a time like this? He could be hurt badly!” He did not mind at all. He blew away his pain and went on with his seat work.

I am not quite sure how I almost completely fell in love with him. Being 11, I did not know much what or how exactly loving is. What do I know? I was young. I don’t even think loving someone would change my course of life forever.

There was this one time, that brave little ol’ me got up to my guts and talked to him. I turned to look at him and he just looked at me. And we started talking. I don’t remember much about what we talked about but there was this one particular sentence I said to him. “I like you,” I said. He answered back. “I like you, too. Honestly!” And in some childish way, or another, my heart stopped and it felt almost like I’m flying!

The days were completely fascinating. I can feel that in my studies, I am improving. I was inspired. It was a match made in heaven, I thought. But then again, as the year went by, we changed our seats and it was, I think, the last time I ever talked to him personally.

It was during our sixth grade that I came to feel his feelings for me grow even more intimate. Although we are not on the same class, I could almost say to myself that somewhere on the other end of the corridor, a smiling face would welcome me, and tell me everything he wanted to say. I felt it then. I feel it now. My friends would always tease me, saying things like “He likes you! Isn’t that sweet?” I think it was. Up to this date, I still think it is!

We will reunite one afternoon, when we were in our last year in High School. I have to thank my other friends for arranging this, though. It’s too bad I was engaged to someone else. Well, engage might be a frightening word, so let’s just say I am interested in someone else when we had this talk. We talked about the silliest of things, like him asking me what it is like inside the Cream Section, and me replying that it is incredibly hard and somewhat fulfilling. And he said he enjoyed talking to me. The moment I heard that, I bought ice cream for everybody!

He wrote me a retreat letter, saying that he misses me and that he’ll always be there. And so he did stay in touch. The best joke I’ve heard from him, and I have to admit that this isn’t a very funny one. “What vegetable is white?” “What?” “Puti-to”

It’s silly, isn’t it? But all I have shared is true. It does feel like yesterday, when I first felt love. Like Karen Carpenter would always sing, “Those were such happy times and not so long ago, how I wondered where they’d gone”

I have not spoken to Karl for about 9 months. Come November, it would be a whole year. I’ve hurt him so, because I tend to be too outspoken sometimes. I guess there were times that I get a little intimidating and naive at the same time, which isn’t really a good combination. But I cherished every bit of love and happiness we shared together. I have to admit, that for the first time in my life, the love I felt when I was 11 was true. It is love, and nothing else. I knew then that I will forever remember this love. It’s that kind of love that people wish to have, if ever it will come. It’s the kind of love a man and a woman shares to one another. I am just so happy to voice it out!